Häglinge Ved was founded by Thord Andersson in 2001.The company produces and sells firewood wood in the town of Häglinge in Southern Sweden. Häglinge Ved produces yearly some 10-20 m3 of ready-to-use firewood. According to Andersson the number one criterion for the machines is that they must be absolutely reliable. The company uses birch and oak as raw material.
“When you work with firewood machines as much as I do, it is very important that they are absolutely safe. I also appreciate usability and quality. Producing large amounts of firewood takes time so the machines in use must also be fast.” says Andersson.
Andersson has relied on Japa® machines since 1989. Along the way he has used machines by other brands but has never quite been as satisfied with them as with the Japa® machines. He says that one of the biggest assets of Japa® machines is their price quality ratio as well as the excellent client service. At the moment Andersson uses a Japa® 385 and Japa® 485. He also uses a log table in order to facilitate maneuvering the trunks. Andersson’s clients are mainly private users who use some 6-20 m3 of wood per year.